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"Another factor shaping Washington’s foreign policy towards Pyongyang
is the acceleration of the US warmongering against Iran. The threat of
another big war in the Middle East limits Washington’s desire to risk
simultaneously a second war in East Asia."

I'll go out on a limb here and say the alleged "US war on Iran" or
"Israel-Iran war" are fake news. Sure, I'll have egg on my face if it
happens, but I don't mind, since political prediction is not the same
as clairvoyance; obviously a thousand factors can come into play in
between. But I'm just talking about interests. Does US imperialism
want a war with North Korea or with Iran? In my opinion, no. But
war-like rhetoric, leading to a "deal" (like this sham, which isn't
even that), is good credibility-boosting theatre. "See, we forced
Kim's hands by not being wimps." Of course, it may not wash in this
case because it is Trump, and this theatre is just too, well,
theatrical, but that's what it is about. Bolton is there as scarecrow,
not someone to make a new war.

So I wasn't all that surprised when I read what Trump now says about
Iran, after having acted tough and all that a month or so ago:


“And if you look at what’s happened since I signed that deal [I assume
he means broke that deal – MK], Iran — and in all fairness, I say it
with great respect for the people of Iran — but Iran is acting a lot
differently. They’re no longer looking so much to the Mediterranean.
They’re no longer looking so much to what’s going on in Syria, what’s
going on in Yemen and lots of other places. They’re a much different
country over the last three months.

“Iran is not the same country that it was a few months ago. They’re a
much, much different group of leaders. And I hope at some point
they’ll come to us and we’ll sit down, and we’ll make a deal that’s
good for them, and good for us, and good for everybody. And it will be
great for Iran. I expect it to be — I want it to be great for Iran.”

One might say, hang on, are you saying US imperialism isn't into
waging wars?" Oh, Obama and Trump have been waging a war in Iraq and
Syria for 4 years, two cities have been completely flattened,
thousands of civilians have been killed, "regime change" has been
carried out in Raqqa and Mosul, just that the actual war does not
generate any interest, because it is not against who it is supposed to
be against. And that war is a massive expansion of the decade-long
drone war against "al-Qaida" launched by Obama throughout the region.

But a new Iraq-style war? Really, what's in it for US imperialism,
given the cost it would entail?

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 2:53 PM, RKOB via Marxism
<marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
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