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A thoughtful piece well worth the reading.

To my mind, "Trumpism" always struck me as a fevered attempt to create a
kind of zombie McCarthyism.  People tend to remember that scoundrel time as
one of ideological anti-Communism, aimed first at the USSR and its presumed
allies, including the "home grown" subversives.  But the organized Left
were never large enough to be posing a serious threat.  It did tremendous
damage to what remained of the radicalization of the 1930s and 40s, but it
began in Truman's effort to marginalize the diehard New Dealers and, later,
by McCarthy and other opportunists to bully their way into a stronger
position in the governing structure.  All of this involved conjuring an
"international Communist conspiracy."

For believers, that conspiracy centered on fears of "the deep State," the
unelected, appointed Federal bureaucrats attempting to feminize America,
destroy national virtue with its international influences, impose
restrictions on business, put chemicals into the water, etc. To defend an
idea of freedom that embraced their own right to be free from any
altenrative ideas of arguments, they ritually victimized individuals
exercising their right to speak freely or organize or just be different.

It was as anti-science and as anti-rational as anything the Trumpwads have

And--in the complete absence of the organized Left in that repressive
context--the right-wingers enjoyed a monopoly in focusing class

Mark L.
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