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In the first place, in fact there were two articles in the mainstream
capitalist media predicting exactly what the author puts forward. The first
was in the Irish Times and was entitled "Trial Runs for Fascism are in Full
Flow" (
It compared the situation to the "blooding of the hounds", where the hounds
have to get used to the taste of blood. The author wrote: "Fascism doesn’t
arise suddenly in an existing democracy. It is not easy to get people to
give up their ideas of freedom and civility. You have to do trial runs
that, if they are done well, serve two purposes. They get people used to
something they may initially recoil from; and they allow you to refine and
calibrate. This is what is happening now and we would be fools not to see
 The second piece was in the "Gray Lady" -- the New York Times (!) and was
entitled "Trump's Road to American Martial Law"(
Similar to the IT article, it pointed out that each outrage is succeeded by
an ever greater one. It concluded: "

"The president is not done.

Soon, there may be indictments from Robert Mueller, the special counsel, of
high officials or members of Trump’s family. What then? Ornstein’s
nightmare scenario: Trump fires Mueller, pardons himself and everyone else,
sends his followers into the street, and, after the inevitable bloodshed,
declares martial law.

Not yet [done]. Not yet [done]."
I've been saying this for some time now. I think a lot of people on the
left - socialists and otherwise - see what's happening as a continuation of
what happened under Obama and even before him. In part this is true, but
it's also a sharp break, a change in course. All you have to do is look at
that frenzied mob at Trump's recent Florida rally just about to assault Jim
Acosta of CNN to see that. As socialists we should have no more illusions
in CNN than we do in the bourgeois democracy that it represents. However,
what that frenzied mob represented was not the replacing of bourgeois
democracy with workers' democracy; it was the destruction for something
like martial law. And a martial law with a fascist base as a component.

The article pictures a fascist or fascist-like development after 2020.
Here's another scenario, and we have to start by recognizing Trump's actual
position. At this time, he's been able to cover over his collusion with the
representative of the Russian mafia - Putin - through his complete
domination of the Republican Party and, through that, of congress. His
cabinet, unlike other presidential cabinets of the past, is a monolith of
yes-men and women. Now, with his nomination of a series of compliant
appelate court judges and of Kavanaugh to the supreme court. Kavanaugh has
written that the president is in effect above the law. This will give Trump
near complete control over the judicial system.

Given his collusion and, even more important, his past role as a money
launderer for the Russian mafia, he cannot afford to lose that control.
What will happen if that control appears to be threatened in November's
elections - if it looks like the Democrats may take a majority in either or
both the houses? Can he afford to allow that to happen? I don't think so.

In that case, we could see a "Florida 2000" (when Bush faked the Florida
election results to defeat Gore) on a national scale. It could also include
voter suppression not seen since the pre-civil rights days in the South.
That could result in mass protests in the streets. If it really went deep
into the working class, and shut down major sectors of the economy, this
could force Trump to retreat, maybe even force him out of office. However,
the Democrats and their representatives, including the union leaders, will
do everything in their power to prevent that from happening. In that case,
Trump could really crack down, with widespread arrests and  repression not
seen in this country since... Well since I don't know when. I think
McCarthyism would pale in comparison.

John Reimann
PS. There's another factor: Trump's appointment of Brian Benczkowski. He
was the lawyer for Alfa Bank, the major Russian bank that apparently had
direct contact with the Trump campaign before the election. Benczkowski was
recently confirmed as head of the criminal justice division of the
Department of Justice. As such, he is directly over Mueller and, at the
very least, is in a position to give Trump a direct ear into what that
investigation is doing, if not to fire Mueller outright. Maybe Trump will
not be able to afford to wait until November.

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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