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> I see no evidence that DSAers have focused on single payer health insurance
> because part of the Democratic Party made a decision.

Yea.. this is absurd. John, what do you base this on? Is there even evidence of 
the Democratic Party leadership supporting this, let alone making a decision 
that somehow resulted in us voting at the convention to prioritize it?

> > Now, a wing of the Democrats is accepting the "abolish ICE" slogan, so DSA
> > has taken up that slogan.

Other way around. Seems like activists are helping move Democrats (not 
leadership, tho they have to then pretend to agree) to the left. Is this not 
something we should be doing? Ultimately to get them to leave the party and 
organize as socialists, but signs that radicalizing liberals is happening 
sounds like a good thing to me, not a Democrat plot.

This issue can even help with a break from the Bernie Sanders wing that argues 
the best way to help workers is to have closed borders.

> > complete refusal to even hint at the shortcomings of single payer [...] or
> > even a hint at the need for socialized
> > medicine. Why? Because the Democratic Party liberals won't touch that idea.

Internally there is plenty of discussion on the shortcomings. I'm not sure what 
you are looking for.. for us to leading a campaign about how what we are trying 
to get done isn't that great? Certainly it should be discussed, both the 
shortcomings and how it isn't "socialism", but what would be the point of 
hinting at this when trying to win support for single payer?

> > So, what the DSA leadership is doing is using DSA to mobilize millenials
> > (mainly) to campaign for liberal Democrats and their program.

If the Democrat program is now single payer and abolishing ICE, sure. And if 
that is the case then it says something about our success! But even you admit 
this is not their program...

And as Jason mentions, what "DSA leadership"!? Hell, I think this is one of the 
issues, we need a stronger national.


There is plenty to criticize about attachments to the Democrats, but the idea 
that they are directing our involvement in campaigning for single payer and 
abolishing ICE are not ones.
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