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Jgreen has responded to me by once again misunderstanding what I wrote. Rather than jump into an extensive exchange of  'he said, I said' quotations--- of interest, I assume. to a small set of site readers, let's go directly to the central issues.     1. I believe that the Bolivarian Revolution (and what remains of it at this critical stage) must be defended against US imperialism, its allies and the Venezuelan oligarchy. Do you? If not, what is your proposal for revolutionaries?     2. I believe that the Bolivarian Revolution has been deformed by a combination of capitalist and statist elements within the Chavist coalition (and that its disastrous economic policies reflect not simply mistakes but vested interests) but that it retains the (very) critical support of commune activists and the organised working classes, and I identify with their position. Do you not?

    As far as your unique reading of what I wrote, let two examples suffice:

So let's read what you wrote in 2016, that is, during Maduro's presidency, in thearticle titled "What Is Socialism for the Twenty-First Century?"

Consider the subsection labelled "The Key Link". It begins:

"So, let us explain what socialism for the twenty-first century is. There are lessons to be learned from the experiences of the twentieth century, and the Bolivarian Constitution of Venezuela adopted in 1999, reflects many of those lessons.
Are there lessons to be learned from the experiences of the twentieth century? And do you reject the idea that they might be reflect in the Bolivarian Constitution? (Incidentally, I should point out that the article in question was first published as a booklet in Cuba [as part of our programme there on socialism for the 21st century], and you would understand its meaning especially by reading it in that context.)

And in 2012, you wrote that:

"...The society we want to build is one that recognizes that 'the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.' How can we ensure, though, that our communal, social productivity is directed to the free development of *all* rather than used to satisfy the private goals of caitalists, groups of indiiduals, or state bureaucrats? A second side of what President Chavez of
Venezuela called on his 'Alo Presidente' program in January 2007 the
'elementary triangle of socialism' concerns the distribution of the means of production. 'Social ownership of the means of production' is that second side. Of course, it is essential to understand that social ownership is not the same as state
ownership. Social ownership implies a profound democracy -- one in which
people function as subjects, both as producers and as members of society, in
determining the use of the results of our social labor."

This is from the introduction, entitled "New Wings for Socialism", of your book "Contradictions of Real of Real Socialism: The Conductor and the Conducted", p.
19. Now, isn't the term "new wings" another way of referring to models?
As indicated in the poem from Brecht ['songs for children, Ulm 1592] with which that introduction begins, the reference to 'wings' is to the tailor who tries to fly 'with things that looked like wings' and is crushed. At the end of that introduction. I indicate that the book ['The Contradictions of "Real Socialism"] is 'about that attempt in the twentieth century to build an alternative to capitalism, an alternative that relied upon things that looked like wings and crashed.'     Both of of these examples relate to lessons we need to learn from the experience of 'real socialism'.

Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
Cell: 604-789-4803

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