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On 4/11/20 2:43 AM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:

Global Research, April 10, 2020, https://www.globalresearch.ca/minnesota-doctors-receiving-instructions-to-report-covid19-as-a-cause-of-death-even-if-patient-was-never-tested/5709269?fbclid=IwAR27fPlrx3qvRiuML5B2KIz-Ny9_BXE-1kNTQ7sbOqYwjiNKPVUCBdv_aWc

Bottom trawling from Global Research, the repository of chemtrail, 9/11, Syrian "false flag" sarin attacks and other conspiracies?

Don't you realize that this talking point is rife on the far-right?

Social Media Posts Make Baseless Claim on COVID-19 Death Toll
By Angelo Fichera

Posted on April 8, 2020

Sally Aiken, the president of the National Association of Medical Examiners, called the allegation “ridiculous.”

“Death certificates are basically federal, and each state has a public health division that answers to the [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] for death certification,” Aiken, the Spokane County, Washington, medical examiner, told us in an email. “For all practical purposes death certification is directed by the feds, via health departments.”

Contrary to the Facebook posts, Aiken said, “Medical Examiners and Coroners certify hundreds to thousands of deaths each year, using investigation, autopsies, and medical tests as required, and do not choose a ‘default diagnosis’ such as COVID-19.”

Aiken pointed out that CDC offers guidance to public health officials on the certification of COVID-19 deaths. The latest guidance was issued April 2.

“If COVID–19 played a role in the death, this condition should be specified on the death certificate. In many cases, it is likely that it will be the [underlying cause of death], as it can lead to various life-threatening conditions, such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS),” the guidance says. “In these cases, COVID-19 should be reported on the lowest line used in Part I with the other conditions to which it gave rise listed on the lines above it.”

full: https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/social-media-posts-make-baseless-claim-on-covid-19-death-toll/

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