Louis posted:

> http://www.zmag.org/znet/viewArticle/22515
Along the same lines, but from a right-wing source:

"China is running away with the green technology prize. It has conquered a
third of the world market for solar cells and is on a breakneck course to
build 100 gigawatts of wind turbines by 2020...

"The credit crunch has been brutal for solar start-ups in the West, but not
for Chinese firms with access to almost free finance from the state banking

"While the West bails out banks, China is spending a big chunk of its $600bn
stimulus on 'clean tech' projects and a smarter grid. Yes, you still have to
wear a face mask to breathe in the soot-blackened industrial hubs of the
interior. By the same token, the solar-and-wind hub of Baoding has become
the first carbon-positive city in the world."


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