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My point was that if Dogan wanted to hear arguments against the Senate Bill,
he could go to places like the Huffington Post, etc.  The liberal wing of
the Democratic Party can provide him the information.

I don't think the CPUSA was ever in a position to betray a revolution in the
US or to sell out much of anything for the last half century.  They have,
however, finally bought the farm...the funny farm.  There was an old IWW
cartoon from the 1930s that depicted the CP looking admiringly at the
billboard advertisement of the Great American Bull.

Since, that bull on the billboard has developed the capability of
fertilizing the entire field of U.S. politics with public relations, spin
and dribble.

And along comes the CPUSA, still following in its wake, mooning after the
fleshpots of power.  In order to hop into bed with Joe Lieberman, it scoffs
at the position taken by people like Dennis Kucinich as an unrealisticly
utopian and radical.

I'm not just perplexed but even a bit scandalized.

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