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Dogan Gocmen <dgn.g...@googlemail.com> defends the CPUSA's course with:
"Politics are not just about strategy and formulation of 'clean' positions.
. . . . [D]aily politics are something entirely different than strategic

This "method" is entirely consistent.  Determined not to be distracted by
those petty everyday considerations--like the actual subject under
discussion--the argument levitates (dialectically, of course) into
generalizations that mean absolutely nothing to any materialist without
those very considerations Dogan scorns.

But still, the conclusion repeatedly reasserted, ignoring the entire of the
previous discussion:  "The only criterion you can lie down is whether the
issue at stake improves the situation of people or not."

For Dogan, this criterion is a settled question and requires no
consideration of those petty everyday grubby little materialist

Who needs that, when you have the word from Uncle Joe (Lieberman, not

Just so long as you fend off the ultraleft near-anarchist neo-Trotskyite
utopians like Kucinich and Huffington...

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