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A comparative approach can be very valuable for many things, but it can also
be a distraction, aimed at changing the subject.

For over a century, for example, reactionaries have attempted to muddy the
waters of our Second American Revolution through an adulation of the
proslavery "Lost Cause" of the seceding Southern states.  They have done so,
in part, through a comparative approach between the U.S. South and other
slaveholding societies...and with the Northern states on such questions as
race.  In other words, slavery in the Southern US was awful, but much better
than  it was in some other places at other times.  Or, Jefferson Davis may
have had no use for black people, but Abraham Lincoln was a "racist," too.

Both these comparative approaches are utterly dishonest and deceptive
attempts to put what was (and, in some respects, still is) the dominant
interest in the US ruling class in its best possible light.

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