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Actually, I don't have pretensions of speaking for anyone but myself.  As
artesian has eloquently demonstrated, the conditions in the US were
dramatically different from those in industrialized Germany-in and outside
of Prussia.   Moreover, and this is where the moral reference, sanctimonious
or not, comes in: no persons in Germany suffered the levels of oppression of
African slaves in the US, certainly not as a function of not being part of a
unified Germany under Prussia.  In other words, the level of their national
oppression and the compellingness of the national question on a human level
was of an entirely different order.  Again, the war was not against the
other German states but against France which was used as a foil-the bogeyman
or lightning rod-to motivate everyone to mobilize under one flag, something
that surely would have happened anyway peacefully in short order as no one
was in any position to credibly oppose it, particularly when coming from the
most industrialized and militarily powerful country in Europe.

I don't know what the "proletarian" and "bourgois" lines on what now is an
obscure issue were.  As my quote of Bakunin, in his day and the generation
after his passing, as central a working class leader as Marx was, indicates,
together with Marx's own views is that no clear consensus around support of
Germany at all existed in what ended up being upstaged by the Paris Commune
at which time much of former radical opinion in support of Prussia swung
radically and swiflty the other way; Garibaldi being the most famous

As to the bourgois line:  if there is one it is a function of 20th Century
historiography that emanated in the midst of the anti-German hysteria during
World War I that glorified Britain and France, particularly the latter and
demonized everything to do with "The Hun"; I don't know that the US
capitalists had any particular view of it at the time in 1870 beyond who
they could make money from.  Finally it was exactly during this 1914-18
period that socialists, Wobblies and other anti-war activists were tagged by
the bourgois media as being "pro-German" etc., a view that you still see in
history books.  Debs, in the 1918 speech that sent him to prison, went out
of his way to debunk this, talking about how socialists opposed the
militarism of all imperialist powers, how the German anti-war socialists
opposed the Kaiser and how the socialist Mass legislator walked out when the
Kaiser was brought in to address them in Boston circa 1902.  German anti-war
socialists really set the example in fact for their courageous stand against
the militarism of their "own" country.  We all know the story of Karl
Leibknecht and Rosa Luxemburg.  Obviously the idea that the "Allies" of
Tsarist Russia, imperial Britain and the France of the Dreyfus case
represented some fundamental bulwark of liberty against the tyrannical
menace of the "Central Powers" of Germany (a constitutional monarchy like
Britain), Austria and the Ottomans was a thoroughgoing fraud that merited,
along with its apostles like Wilson, ridicule and contempt.  As Walter
Millis in his 1935 work "Road to War, America 1914-17" lays out, this
propaganda hack job was made easier by the British Navy's cutting of the
transatlantic cables from Berlin and Vienna in 1914 creating a monopoly on
war information on behalf of London and Paris.

> What I say is that your vision of German history is the vision of the
> USAmerican bourgeoisie, not that of the international proletariat. And I
> say that you dress it up as "Leftist" because you speak in the name of
> that proletariat.
> _
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