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Let's review: Nestor proposed real live support of a national  
bourgeoisie in Colombia, arguing the workers would demand such support.

Clearly Nestor knew nothing about the modern history of Colombia, as  
the post from Anthony proved,

I don't know much history of modern Colombia either.  In my response  
to Nestor, I criticize Nestor based on what is known about past  
support of national bourgeoisies.

Anthony,who does know something about Colombia, intervened, and guess  
what?  There's a real history that will validate or refute Nestor's  
championing the "national" bourgeoisie, and that real history says  
Nestor is flat-out wrong.

WL chimes in with whatever it  is he usually chimes in with, and then  
we get the accusations of chauvinism, imperialism, and other such  

What we don't get is any response to the actual history that shows how  
full of baloney our " Trotskyist" and his new Stalinist defender are .  
Not a bit of recognition of the concrete information   Anthony  
provided. Instead we get the usual self-aggrandizement from the bosoms  
of these buddies.  And that says all that needs to be said about their  

Having a wonderful time, thanks for asking


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