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Obama had some leaway, I think, but chose not to attempt to negotiate
anything better for the traditional Democratic constituencies.

What we're seeing now is a lot of progressive people who urged Obama as a
pragmatic choice...and are now decided that he may well not have been their
best choice...even in a pragmatic sense.  Aside from people actually
connected to the government or the Democratic Party, there seem to be three
groups ready to make excuses for anything the president wants to do.  First
and most understandably are many African Americans who found the Obama
campaign the nearest they ever experienced to a movement, and are loathe to
abandon the loss of lustre and for themselves.  Their loyalty will serve
them well, when bestowed on something that deserves it...and I think it will
be eventually.

Second are my many older white friends whose support for Obama seemed to
have nothing to do with him.  They rarely even said anything about him,
other than his race, though that was of no consequence to them either way.
Instead, they talked about Jack Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt.  They're
fooling themselves as part of a long habit of fooling themselves.  They are
basically yellow dog Democrats, who'd have supported Jack Lieberman had he
gotten the nomination, though they'd have done so by convincing themselves
that Lieberman was actually a pragmatic way of ending the war or addressing
global warming....  The first group will crumble and go into opposition
before this second group....

Finally, there's the CPUS.  I am confident that it'll still be rationalize
its Democratic politics long after most of the plain old Yellow Dog
Democrats have caught on...

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