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 > The current system is (and was) unsustainable and leaves American
 > business at a competitive disadvantage with regards to rival capitalist
 > nations.  Why wouldn't they want "real reform"?

   But doesn't Obama's reforms solve this "problem" for the bourgeoisie?

   The percentage of employers offering health care has been falling for 
many years. I expect this trend to pick up its pace.

   Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Obama's plan basically force people 
under penalty of law to buy health insurance -- if offered by their 
employer, fine; but if not offered by their employer people still have to 
buy it.

   Thus, when you factor in the trend the cost of health care will be lifted 
from employers, and working people are forced into a privatized system. No 
wide social safety net, no millions of uninsured people, private insurance 
companies happily making money, only a voluntary cost (soon to be shed) on 
business -- "everyone" wins but the workers themselves.

"Lottery: A tax on poor people who are bad at math." -- The cartoon B.C.

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