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"More Republicans (160) voted to fund the war in Afghanistan than Democrats 
(148). This is additional confirmation that we are living during the third Bush 

We are, but the statistic is misleading in the extreme. Republicans, with the 
exception of Ron Paul and perhaps one or two others, voted against funding the 
war purely for political motives, because they think a "loss" in the war will 
give Obama a black eye, not because they're actually opposed to the war. On the 
other hand, many Democrats voted against the bill as a protest against the fact 
that money for the economy (e.g., hiring teachers) had been cut 
(http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_15622566 - "Some Democrats, like
Eshoo, also opposed the war funding bill because the final draft didn't
include money for the U.S. economy, including cash to stave off teacher
layoffs. "). The number of Democrats REALLY opposed to the war, and willing to 
vote against funding it, is still in the low double-digits (Kucinich et al.). 
You can bet that if the vote were actually going to go against war funding, the 
vast majority of the Democrats who voted against the funding would have voted 
for it. But since it wasn't, a few more Democrats got to emphasize their fake 
progressive credentials in order to allow Medea Benjamin and Michael Moore to 
continue justify recommending voting for them in the next election.

Eli Stephens
 Left I on the News

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