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On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 06:11:38 -0500 Greg McDonald <gregm...@gmail.com>
> I take it you meant deflation is bad and increases unemployment.
> Actually, falling prices alone do not hinder production unless 
> demand
> falls off.

That was an issue that neoclassical economists were
debating eighty years.  Economists like Pigou argued
that an economic crisis could not be expected to
resolve itself until prices (including especially wages)
had fallen sufficiently so that people could now afford
to start making purchases again (which included
capitalists starting to rehire workers again).
John Maynard Keynes argued that this scenario
was unlikely because falling wages would likely
lead to decreased demand.  Consequently, Keynes
argued for government intervention in the form
of a loosening of fiscal and monetary policy (the 
loosening of monetary policy being by itself insufficient
because of Keynes called liquidity trap) in
order to boost effective demand.  He also made
the point that such policies by creating mild
inflation in which wage hikes would lag behing
price hikes would create the reduction of
real wages that people like Pigou had been
arguing was necessary for resolving a crisis.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

> On the second point, sure, folks such as Bernanke are only seen as
> incompetent if one assumes they are actually under orders to 
> initiate
> policies benefitting the american people as a whole and not just 
> its
> ruling class. On the other hand, it did point out the incestuous
> relationship between the Fed and goldman sachs, which is a start.
> Have to admit though, it was pretty funny.
> G.
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 1:07 AM, Gary MacLennan
> <gary.maclenn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I loved this, but two points occurred to me - falling prices 
> inhibits
> > production do they not and that means increased unemployment.  So 
> inflation
> > when it occurs is a bad thing.  Secondly the line that Bernanke 
> has not got
> > anything right is simply wrong.  He and his predecessor, 
> Greenspan, got much
> > right for the ruling class - namely  a vast expansion in their 
> wealth.  That
> > was very much mission accomplished.  To talk of the Fed getting 
> nothing
> > right disguises the class basis of their very existence.
> >
> > comradely
> >
> > Gary
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