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On 11/30/2010 04:48 PM, MARGARET WYLES wrote:
> Sorry, but something is not adding up for me.  If he's got information, why
> is he piecemealing it out?  Isn't he afraid he might not be in a position to
> do so if he waits?  And if it really is important information that the
> public should know about, might it not be prudent to release it all
> immediately?  This is starting to resemble a publicity campaign for a new
> movie.  Coming Soon to news outlets everywhere......

Publicity is exactly the point of releasing it piecemeal, as has been
stated previously. Good!

As for the problem of what might happen if Assange waits too long,
Wikileaks has released a gigantic (as far as archives of text go)
encrypted document called "Insurance". All Assange or anyone he's told
it to needs to do is release the password publicly and all the
information contained is available at once.

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