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Interesting observations.  Of course Hedges and others who are relative
latecomers to all this tend to become more paniced than they should.

Moral witnessing is personally gratifying but politically meaningless, and
moral suasion has no political impact on a system that has no means of
processing moral questions.  I think that they pay an even lower political
price for arresting a few hundred people now than they have in the past.
The article points out that they didn't cover the earlier demonstration and
there's no reason to think that they'll cover later ones.  To be honest, I
suspect that if we had a mass arrest of a thousand or so people, they'd
probably cover it by interviewing the various right-wing talking heads on
the subject.

We need to stop thinking about how the teamasters do things and start
thinking about what we can do to them.  What we need are the numbers.  Mass
demonstrations that can leave the illusion of mass civil disobedience aside
until there are there's enough of a "mass" to make it meaningful.

The idea of picketing the media, though, is probably worth a try.

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