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On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 09:54:09 -0500 "Richard Levins"
<human...@hsph.harvard.edu> writes:
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> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a 
> message.
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> I object most strenuously to attributing Hobsbawm's politics even in 
> part to his being old! Some of us keep the red flag flying! Dick

I don't think that age, has much to do with the political
views that Hobsbawm holds, except in the sense that
he, like the rest of us, is the product of a particular time
and generation.  In his case, the generation that became
of age politically in the 1930s and 1940s.  So his
most formative experiences were associated with
the Great Depression, the rise and later defeat of
fascism, and the rise of the Soviet Union into a
world superpower.

And in any case, those of views that Hobsbawm has
held for decades, as can be seen if one peruses his
1973 book, "Revolutionaries:  Contemporary Essays,"
where he gave his evaluations of the movements of the
day, and in which he provided his apologetics for
the PCF and other Moscow-oriented CPs.
And pretty much from that time onwards,
he was closely aligned with the Eurocommunist
wing within the CPGB, and as such, would
later become a strong supporter of the "modernizers"
within the British Labour Party like Neil Kinnock,
and then, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.
In that regards, its probably useful to look
at Hobbsbawm's famous 1978 essay,
"The Forward March of Labour Halted?" to
get some insight into his later political views.

Jim Farmelant
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> =========================
> Richard Levins
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