Aims and programmes of DAFODWAM[Democratic Action Forum Of
Dalits,Women And Minorities] are emobodied in its name itself. here
Dalits mean scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward
communities. DAFODWAM is not frontal organisation of any Political
Party, but it is very much aware of social and political incedents of
the india which is defacto upper caste hindu state .Financially it is
dependent on co-thinkers, not on Government[s][ central or state] or
west based funding organisations[ usually known as funded NGO]. For
more information contact ananta acharya- 30-2 N P RD. KOLKATA 55
INDIA.PHONE- [0] Jun 3
delete ananta
just published..available at world view[jadabpur university campus],
book mark, new horizon book trust, Pati ram, manisha, manab mon. book
stalls near rashbehari crossing and bbd bag telephone bhaban... For
more call [0]9331858854... DAFODWAM-30-2 NP RD

DAFODWAM thinks that India is a de facto upper caste Hindu state and
Brahmanism derived from Manu Sanghita is still the guiding philosophy
of Indian rulling classes. Untill the abolition of caste system and
discrimination based on gender and religious community there is no
chance of victory of class struggle, in whatever form. And this book
will help those people who are trying to build up a real democratic
India free from caste discrimination and caste division

On 1/12/11, Newspaper Anasintaxi <> wrote:
> --------------
> Unilateral entire debt suspension of payments - Greece out of
> Euro-EMU-European
> Union
> Against the big local capital's current strategic choice of  KEEPING Greece
> inside EMU-Euro-EU, with the open support of the big  bourgeois parties
> (PASOK-ND-LAOS), as well as the silent support of  socialdemocratic parties
> ("K"KE-SYN) and organizations of the  Extraparliamentary Left
> Today, in 2010, the working class and the whole Greek people as well as the
> country are undoubtedly confronted with a novel negative  and extremely
> painful
> financial-political condition for their class  interests, as well as the
> country's interests. A novel condition, the  existence of which has to be
> initially verified and recognized, and then analyzed.  These are necessary
> premises for the designation of the content and  correct orientation of the
> class struggle of the working class in the  current very difficult and
> crucial
> period.
> The country's new financial-political condition is characterized by:
> 1. the deep crisis and bankruptcy of economy,
> 2. occupation by the "troika" of Commission-ECB-IMF,
> 3. violent abolition of all workers' conquests,
> 4. deterioration of the relations between Greece and EU, to the country's
> detriment.
> A. Crisis and bankruptcy of the Greek economy.
> 1. Crisis. The  crisis that keeps on shattering the entire capitalist world,
> as
> well as  our country, burned out for years to come, in the hell that created
> massive unemployment of hundreds of millions of  unemployed-half-unemployed
> humans, great poverty, hunger and the  absolute immiseration of billions on
> the
> planet, the final illusory glow  of the widely advertised by recently faded
> myth
> of capitalist  "prosperity", as well as the celebrated jabbers-myths of
> bourgeois and  revisionist economist about "full employment," "elimination
> of
> unemployment," and a capitalist development "undisrupted by crises."
> Regardless  of its existent singularities and main features as well as the
> way
> in  which it broke out, this crisis is, as all the previous ones, a cyclical
> crisis of over-production, the root and cause of which exists within  the
> fundamental contradiction of capitalism, which the other  contradictions of
> this
> exploitative system are also connected with: the "the contradiction between
> the
> social character of productionand the private form of its appropriation."
> It  derives from here that the periodic crises of overproduction are an
> inherent and inevitable phenomenon in the capitalist mode of production
> which
> accompanies capitalist along its course of development. It is the  result of
> the
> action and function of objective economic laws despite the  contradicting
> claims
> of bourgeois economists cultivating the opposite  view on the current
> crisis,
> seeking its cause within "erroneous  financial policies" and limiting it to
> the
> "financial sector": "bourgeois-capitalist  circles try to propagandize by
> every
> mean the view that this crisis is  the result of erroneous economic
> policies, in
> particular erroneous  financial and monetary policies, which have led to
> increasing  speculation and the "bubbles" in the financial sector. With such
> positions and propaganda they seek to hide the fact that capitalist
> economic
> crises are inevitable stages in the course of capitalist  development, that
> they
> are the inevitable result of the capitalist mode  of production developing
> in an
> uneven way, because it is led by profit  and the market."
> In contrast to the bourgeois, for revolutionary Marxists, according to Marx,
> "the general conditions of crises ... must be explained through the general
> conditions of capitalist production."
> The  current world economic crisis, as all cyclical crises of
> over-production
> emerging from the essence, i.e. the inherent  contradictions of the
> capitalist
> mode of production, "are  never more than momentary, violent solutions for
> the
> existing  contradictions, violent eruptions that re-establish the disturbed
> balance for the time being."
> The current crisis could not  but also affect the local capitalist economy,
> despite the contradicting  idiotic assurances of the reactionary Karamanlis
> governments and its  indescribable and benighted economic headquarters that
> the
> country's  banks and economy are "armoured" against the crisis (and a few
> days
> later "endowed" the supposedly "armoured" banks with 28 b. Euros).  Indeed,
> gross flubs of this kind were being uttered at the moment when  it was known
> that the crisis had become manifest in our country before  the outbreak of
> the
> world capitalist crisis - it became manifest  unevenly in various country in
> terms of time and intensity, as well as  sectors - affecting initially the
> construction sectors, and all its  related branches.
> The crisis has affected Greek economy more  than those of the other
> member-states of the imperialist EU, as shown in  figures (while maintaining
> relevant reservations) by Eurostat for 2009:  investments declined by 13,4%
> in
> contrast to 2008, households'  consumption decreased by 1.8%, exports by
> 18.1%
> and imports by 14.1. The  2% decline of GDP shown by Eurostat is in reality
> much
> larger, while  actual unemployment surpassed 15%.
> Predictions for 2010 are much  more unfavourable, since it is estimated the
> decline will be at  about 4%, while it is expected to have reached 7.5% by
> 2012,
> whereas  unemployed will have reached 20%. Already in the second quarter of
> 2010,  a 3.5% GDP shrinking was recorded. Construction activity fell by
> 22.4%,
> industrial production dropped 4.5%, while inflation 5.5% (in reality it
> fluctuates between 6 and 7%), and large waves of high prices are an
> everyday
> phenomenon. As for the army of hundreds of thousands of the  unemployed,
> some
> more will be added, which, according to the GSEE's  estimations will have
> reached, and may have even surpassed, 1.200.000 by  the end of the year.
> 2. Bankruptcy. Yet, besides the  multiple problems caused by the profound
> economic crisis, which is  expected to further intensify, the country's
> economy
> was led in 2009 to open bankruptcy,  which was already visible to the naked
> eye
> from the beginning of 2007 -  despite the distorted statistical figures
> coming
> to light -, as a  result of the application of extreme neoliberal policies
> by
> Karamanlis'  government and of dependence by the EU.
> The government of the monarcho-fascist party of ND, with K. Karamanlis as
> prime-minister, is first and fore mostly responsible for the country's
> financial
> bankruptcy,  by doubling the external debt (more than 300 billion Euros) and
> multiplying the deficit by five (more than 30 billion Euros), leading to
> the
> country's triple supervision-occupation by Commission-ECB-IMF. However, the
> then-opposition parties, the big-bourgeois PASOK and the social democratic
> "K"KE
> and SYN (the  nazi-fascist LAOS had identified with the politics of ND),
> aretremendously responsible as well, for not revealing-denouncing this
> destructive financial course to the Greek people - a course, which  at least
> for
> the final two years of ND's governance was completely  manifest and, as
> already
> mentioned, visible to the naked eye.
> The very fact of the country's financial bankruptcy (the typical statement
> "Regretfully, we arebankrupt"  is not necessary) is questioned by all
> bourgeois
> and reformist forces,  and even from those of the Extraparliamentary Left.
> In  contrast to the fabrications of the government and bourgeois politicians
> that "the country has not gone bankrupt," along with those of ND and  the
> Khruschevite socialdemocratic parties of "K"KE and SYN, who are also
> disputing
> the existence of bankruptcy,1 the bankruptcy is a concrete and painful fact
> for
> the working class, as well as the people and the country in general.
> An  analysis of the relevant economic data can certainly reach the
> conclusion
> that the figures composing-indicating in an indisputable way  the bankruptcy
> of
> Greek economy are: 1. an overwhelming  external debt of more than 300
> billion
> Euros, or about 120% of GDP (in a  country with a minimal to inexistent
> industrial production, while even  the "production" of waiters decreased
> with
> the drop of tourism since  last year), 2. a huge deficit of more than 30
> billion
> Euros or 14,5% of GDP, 3. a usurious 7-10% interest rate with a spread of
> 500-700 bps (an interest rate that only bankrupt countries are borrowing
> with),
> 4. inability of "managing"-serving the external debt, 5. the triple severe
> supervision by the Commission-ECB-IMF and designation of financial politicy
> not
> by the elected government but by the delegations of the imperialist
> Organizations, 6. recourse  to the so-called EU-IMF "support mechanism"
> (i.e.
> enslavement) for a  further loan, again with a usurious interest rate of 5%.
> 3. Occupation of the country by the "troika": Commission-ECB-IMF. The
> extreme
> neoliberal financial policy of Karamanlis government, the  unprecedented
> looting
> of public wealth, the successive great scandals,  etc., etc., that led the
> country's economy to bankruptcy, with  the doubling of external debt and the
> deficit's surge to 14,5% of GDP,  rendered Greece a weak link of imperialist
> EU
> and the target of severe  attacks of international speculative and usurious
> capital - in  combination with the intense antagonism between Dollar and
> Euro
> -
> leading to an inability of borrowing and the surge of spreads to
> overwhelming
> heights. Eventually, the newly-elected Papandreou  government, also
> continuing
> the destructive neoliberal financial policy,  is turning to the notorious
> and
> newly-created "support mechanism" of EU and IMF, with first and fore mostly
> the
> imperialist EU, as well as the government of PASOK, being responsible.
> During  this year, the crisis and the bankruptcy of Greek economy also
> brought
> to the surface the profound crisis within the domain of imperialist EU,  and
> furthermore, highlighted acutely the relations of servitude, dependence and
> exploitation of the smaller weak capitalist countries, such as Greece, by
> the
> large  imperialist countries, first being France-Germany, which not only
> imposed to Greece a usurious interest rate of 5%, but pressed-are  pressing
> Greece to buy military equipment manufactured in those  countries.
> All these developments led to an unprecedented, in terms of severity, and
> long-lasting supervision of  Greek economy by the imperialist Organizations
> and
> the placement of  permanent representatives of theirs at Athens, creating a
> completely new  situation: a new occupation of the country, without troops.
> It  is certainly a fact that Greece's incorporation to the imperialist
> and its entrance to the EMU had as a consequence the drastic  limitation of
> its
> governments' role (having an essentially decorative  role), as well as of
> all
> small, weak and dependent EU member-states, in  the outlining of financial
> politics, since this is determined in its  basic directions by the powerful
> EU
> monopolies, and are only validated ex post facto by their local
> puppet-parliaments, thus deepening evern further and reinforcing imperialist
> dependence. The  notorious "Stability and Growth Pact" of the Maastricht
> Treaty
> essentially meant an almost absolute loss of national sovereignty for  the
> dependent member-states of the imperialist EU, such as Greece,  despite the
> much-publicized illusory "equal" co-operation-alliance of  nationally
> sovereign
> states within the EU domain.
> Yet, there is no doubt that the current situation is different, much worse
> than
> the previous one, and completely new,  since all aspects of Greek economy
> are
> decided and determined directly  and absolutely by the branches of the
> imperialist Organizations Commission-ECB-IMF. The  recognition and
> realization
> of this situation requires the  intensification of the class struggle of the
> working class and all broad  popular masses against imperialist dependence
> in
> general, and the  country's dependence by the imperialist European Union in
> particular.
> But this new occupation -  which is obviously accepted and supported by the
> servile government of  PASOK - is disputed by the social democrats of "K"KE
> by
> considering it  inexistent, beautifying in this way not only imperialist
> dependence but also its particular further deepening and strengthening. A
> "talented" social democrat from "K"KE even reached the point of claiming
> that
> because NAR-ANTARSYA2 correctly recognize that the country "under IMF'S
> occupation," this means that they are "absolving the government and giving
> shelter to them."3Only Khruschevite social democrats are capable of blabbing
> such incredible flubs.
> The appointed members of the Commission-ECB-IMF troika  - these unscrupulous
> and
> stiffening representatives of European and  international capital - are
> working
> out the implementation of the most  extreme neoliberal measures of cutting
> down
> wages and pensions,  increasing mass unemployment, poverty and immiseration
> of
> broad popular  masses, measures of annihilating privatizations as well as
> plundering of  the country's resources and of turning them over to - mainly
> -
> foreign  capital, as well as its "poor relative," the local capital, with
> catastrophic consequences for the workers as well as the country.
> 4. Violent abolition of all workers' gains at all levels.  The
> representatives
> of the "troika's" imperialist Organizations and the  servile government of
> mounted an attack unprecedented in  vehemence and intensity - the larger
> since
> the years of "the political  changeover" - against the class interests of
> the
> working class and all  working people, embracing all levels - an attack in
> favour of European and international, as well as big local capital.
> All  the gains of the workers were demolished and annihilated violently
> overnight, the peak being 8 July when even the last remnants of the  working
> class's rights were abolished. The disgraceful "Memorandum" - a  "Loan
> Agreement
> between Greek Government-European Union-International  Monetary Fund" of
> colonial nature - besides being a monument of  servitude, it moreover marks
> the
> "graveyard" of workers' gains. Among  others, already "lying" in this
> "graveyard" are the 13th and 14th pension, as well workers' 13th and 14th
> salary, while a pension with a 65-year age-limit and 40-year
> employment-limit
> and a way of estimating it that is leading to a 40%  decrease was enacted.
> The tremendous cut back on wages and  pensions, the continuous increase of
> mass
> unemployment, the high level  of inflation (over 5,5%) and the unprecedented
> waves of high prices,  great tax increases especially in goods of mass
> consumption, cut backs  on social expenses, etc. aggravated the condition of
> the
> working class  and broad popular masses dramatically, deepening the process
> of
> their  absolute immiseration to the extreme and confirming afresh Marx's
> theory
> of absolute immiseration,  which was repeatedly declared "dead" and
> "outdated"
> by the bourgeois  and traditional social democrats as well by the social
> democrats of  Khruschevite "K"KE (in 1976, S. Zorbalas, GC of "K"KE's
> "Marxist"
> Research Center claimed that the absolute immiseration of the  proletariat
> did
> not exist in advanced capitalist countries and the USA: "without  excluding
> absolute immiseration, specifically in some branches and  certain popular
> layers, such as USA's Negroes and minorities, the  proletariat's relative
> immiseration is the dominant tendency in these  countries.")4
> The working class, despite the relatively massive strikes and marches, the
> central motto of which was "capitalist must pay for the crisis and
> bankruptcy,"
> was  not able to hold off the attacks of international and local capital. It
> could not have cancelled the promotion and implementation of extreme
> anti-worker/anti-popular measures, because these strikes, with the
> responsibility of reformist workers' patrons of  GSEE-ADEDY-PASKE-PAME-AP:5
> 1)
> did not succeed in even having the necessary massiveness, which is
> absolutely
> necessary for aborting the measures, 2) were split, and 3) their  major
> characteristic was an absolute lack of unity. Another  contributing
> important
> factor was the lack of prompt organizing, as well  as many more and
> successive
> strike mobilizations. All these factors  prevented the exercise of larger
> pressure to the government of PASOK and  their bosses Commission-ECB-IMF.
> Certainly, the workers'  patrons GSEE-ADEDY-PASKE-PAME-AP are first, fore
> mostly
> and absolutely  to blame for this consequence, for they are serving the
> interests of  capital with the reformist line of class collaboration (the
> activity of the fascists of DAKE (ND)6 is not necessary to mention, since
> they
> are nevertheless defending  capital openly), for neither wanting not
> attempting
> to achieve the  MASSIVENESS of strike mobilizations against
> anti-popular/anti-worker  measures. It is obvious that without MASSIVE
> strike
> mobilizations, it is  impossible to hold off capital's attacks. Without
> strike  mobilization, through the perpetuation of misery, the "return" of
> workers into trade unions and the creation of grass-roots trade unions  in
> firms
> are impossible. Only MASSIVENESS can exercise a significant  pressure to any
> given governments for the abortion of whichever  anti-popular measures.
> But the UNITY of strike rallies is a  presupposition of MASSIVENESS.
> cannot be achieved without  UNITY, an issue directly connected to the
> strikebreaking role of the reformist leaders PAME (the trade-union
> controlled by
> the "Communist" Party of Greece-"K"KE).
> The strikebreakers-reformist leaders of PAME -- through the permanent
> fragmentation of strike rallies with their separate gatherings -- helped in
> the
> past the government of the monarchofascist  party of Nea Dimokratia, with C.
> Karamanlis as prime minister, to  promote and implement all the
> anti-popular/anti-worker measures; today,  by continuing the same disruptive
> tactic in strike rallies, they  are in the service of the government of the
> big
> bourgeois PASOK, and  they are helping-enabling it to pass the present
> annihilating measures. For it is not possible for the reformist leaders of
> to not understand that with their strikebreaking tactic they break
> immediately
> the UNITY of strike rallies, obstruct  their MASSIVENESS and, thus, render
> the
> strike rallies INEFFICIENT  before hand.
> Here, it is worth reminding that, when the working  class managed 10 years
> ago
> to hold off the the-then capital attack,  forcing Simitis's government to
> withdraw the Insurance Bill of  Giannitsis, this became possible because the
> strike mobilizations of  that time had been characterized by a UNITY that
> secured that  unprecedented MASSIVENESS - not only in Athens and
> Thessaloniki,
> but  throughout Greece - with the enormous militant participation of workers
>  in
> strikes and demonstrations.
>  The Political Committee of the "Movement for the Reorganisation of the
> Communist Party of Greece 1918-55"
> PO Box 3689, 102 10 Athens
> Greece
> Tel: +30 2108621543
> Site:
> Blog (English):
> Blog (Greek):
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