
Before proceeding with our "live" topic of discussion, Zionisn is Fascism, I
would like to mention one or two things as to the contents of some ideas
expressed by some participants, since I have not subscribed to "the proper
perscpetive" on the international Zionism (which is announced and silently
accepted by some people), .
Considering the e-mails (so far), it seems that the following positions are
taken by the discussants on "Zionism":

(1)First position: They think that anti-Zionism is anti-Semiticism, which is
put foreward by neo-Nazi organizations and some other reactionary circles.
And if a Marxist-Leninist asserts that Zionism is Fascism, even with her/his
qualitatively different understaning of "Zionism" then she/he is still
considered a duped Marxist-Leninist who participates with neo-Nazis in
serving "the old wine in new bottles". This view is irrational, to say the

(2)Second position: They think that "Zionism" might be a "legitimate"
problem, which Marxist-Leninist might consider, but it is mainly of a local
interest. In view of this particular understanding of "Zionism", they want
to avoid discussing the "international" dimension of the existence of
"Zionism" under the pretext that "the international Zionism" is analogous to
"the Jewish concpiracy" of neo-Nazi organizations; thus, Marxist-Leninists
must not entertain themselves, at least, with the "international" existence
of "Zionism" in various well-known and less well-known Zionist organizations
in different countries.
In connection to this particular understanding of "Zionism", if they are
right that "Zionism" is mainly of a local interest, apart from a supposedly
isolated activity of the so-called "Zionist Mafia" in the USSR, then one
wonders how these Zionist organizations can be "the agents of the American
imperialists in their machinations directed against the U.S.S.R. and the
People's Democracies and the revolutionary movement in capitalist and
colonial countries" without a well connected "international" existence of

(3)Third position: They think that "Zionism" is a racist ideology which has
committed tremendous crimes against the Palestinians, which must be taken
seriously by Marxist-Leninists. But when it come to the role of "Zionism" (
in the political organizations of Alexander Yakovlevs, the clown commentator
Vladimir Pozner who thinks that Zionism is not racism, and all the Zionist
"tycoons" in the Russian Federation, who give (have given) finanicial and
political support to the Zionist state of Israel covertly and overtly) as a
contributing factor among less and important ones in the collapse of the
USSR and the CPSU, they state that the specific nature of "Zionism" can be
explained by its reduction to the specific nature of the world Imperialism,
headed by the American Imperialism. In other words, they dissolve the
specific nature of the international Zionism in the specific nature of the
world Imperialism. Of course, they think that through this dissolving
process, one is dealing with the source of the problem which is the main
concern of Marxist-Leninists. But regardless of the determining role of the
source of the problem, one still must understand the specificty of the
problem itself in the context of the source of the problem; otherwise one
will end up reducing any specific problem to its determining processes of
its subsequent existence , which is in violation of the dialectical identity
of universal and particualr.
What is the political and theoretical result of this view of "Zionism"?
Theoretically, it replaces the dialectical logical understanding of a
process by a reductionist empirical one. Politically, it replaces a specific
critical understanding of any specific historical movement by its
superficial brief outline (which has no important practical use), which is
accepted by some people as "the proper perspective". No wonder that
Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations, which practice this kind of
superficial explanation of any issue of importance and interest to the
workers and members of other social strata, do not appeal to the workers in
relatively recent years. Marxism-Leninism abhors "catechism" of any kind,
religious or secular.


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