--- Javad Eskandarpour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comrade Brian,
> It is always "reasonable" to clarify what one means
> by her/his words, and
> concepts if this "reason" and "reasonableness" are
> not based on one's
> previous seeming uncritical "reasons". 


> So, it is
> reasonable to sharpen the
> image of the international Zionism through metaphors
> and other aesthetic
> devices which are crucial in the ideological
> struggle against the world
> Imperialism, for example through "strong tentacle",
> "the tip of the
> iceberg", and etc. 

Using fuzzy, ambiguous expressions such as "strong
tentacles" and "tip of the iceberg" are the opposite
of sharpening. "International zionism" is also pretty
nebulous, which was my initial complaint.

> In addition, "the abuse" of some
> terms by some neo-Nazis
> and others cannot be a limiting principle in my
> choice of exact words and
> concepts in conceptualizing and understanding 
> certain historical events.

Marxism has its own tradition of concepts and
terminology for describing the world, we don't need to
pick up the language that is most commonly associated
with fascists. Put "international zionism" into a
search engine and see what you come up with. I got
David Duke's homepage, Ernst Zundel, The Intenational
Third Positionists, and National Bolshevik. Not one
Marxist website! Are the Marxists organisations of the
world falling behind the game? Or have the
liberal-zionist tentacles entwined them too?

> So, I do not subscribe to the "panic" principle of
> avoiding some "abused"
> words in the name of the infamous sensitivity of
> "liberals" and their
> social-democratic "communist" allies becuase this
> infamous sensitivity of
> "liberals" has almost always been used to cover the
> ugliness of our world.
> Javad

You're accusing me of being a liberal, politically
correct, etc. A convenient ruse for not having to deal
with the issue, just as liberals accuse anti-zionists
of anti-semitism so as not to deal with the issue.

Do you have any information on the imperialist
structure of zionism? I am genuinely interested in the


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