On Tuesday 17 July 2007 11:22:29 am John Hunter wrote:
> On 7/17/07, Darren Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd like to add the dict-based validation scheme for 0.91. It should be
> > quick, and then I can focus on traits and a new config scheme, in an mpl1
> > branch if we decide that is best.
> Sounds like a good plan.

As of svn 3552, rc parameters are validated. Validation occurs in the rcParams 
dict itself, so settings are validated whether loaded from matplotlibrc, or 
with the rc() function, or by directly accessing rcParams itself.

Validation may uncover some hidden bugs. conoutf_demo.py had an argument 
hold='on', which wouldnt work before now because 'on' was not a valid boolean 
(it is a valid boolean now). But backend_driver runs without errors, but I 
wonder if there will be some hidden problems. For example, polar_demo.py 
runs, but polar() is not plotting lines.


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