On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 02:01:59PM -0400, Michael Droettboom wrote:
 There does seem to be a recent convergence around Sphinx in the Scipy 
> world, and matplotlib seems to be forging ahead a little bit (maybe 
> that's just my impression from being in the middle of matplotlib more so 
> than other projects).  It would be great to have something like a 
> Sphinx/Documentation BoF to share our experiences thus far, or perhaps a 
> lightning talk (which at SciPy are 10 minutes) to outline what 
> matplotlib has done wrt documentation.  If Darren were going, he'd be 
> ideal to give that talk, but I could probably manage as well.

A lightning talk would be fantastic. I have already urged Stefan to give
one about the numpy documentation editor

Maybe we could combine two talks taking half the time of a full talk,
with Stefan talking about the webapp, and someone from MPL talking about
this. It would make a great, consistent, view on the current
documentation efforts in scientific Python, and I bet people would be
interested, maybe to bring the ideas back home on their own projects.

Of course, I am speaking on a personal basis, and I can't speak for the
rest of the organizing committee, but this sounds very nice.



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