On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 11:30 AM, Michael Droettboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> This will make merging slightly easier, (since the -S parameter is not
> required), and it is generally good practice in the long run to not keep
> extra branches lying around.  I'm happy to make this change, but thought I'd
> run it by you first -- it means we're effectively abandoning the 0.91.x
> series, or at least saying any bugfixes to it will have to be manually
> brought over to 0.98.x.
Thanks for the notes -- I'l incorporate them into the dev guide.

I definitely do not want to abandon the 91 branch.  I expect this branch to
last a while, perhaps a year.  the 98.4 branch is intended to be short
lived, order of a week or two, just to fix critical bugs for this release.
Or better yet, we keep it alive until the next point release, then kill it
and make a new release branch.  That way if we ever need to fix a critical
bug in the latest release, we can go to the branch w/o having all the
testing required on the head.  Since the major incompatibility was between
91 and 98, I anticipate that there are some users with a lot of code (eg an
axes3d dependency) where moving may never be feasible.

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