
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Fernando Perez <> wrote:
> OK, since I know people are busy, I took silence as acquiescence.
> Committed in r8151, please let me know if I messed anything up and
> I'll try to fix it.  I'm used to the numpy docstring standard, but I
> tried to adapt it to the mpl  one by looking at the rest of pyplot,
> let me know if  it needs fine-tuning.

While chatting today with John, he suggested that a better api for
this would be to return an *array* of supblots, so that  one could
index them with a[i,j] for the plot in row i, column j.  I've
implemented this already, but before committing it, I have one doubt:
what to do when nrows==ncols==1, the single subplot case? I'm inclined
to return only the subplot instead of a one-element array, so that one
can say

f, a = fig_subplot()

instead of having to do

f, a = fig_subplot()

But this means the return value of the function would be:
- fig, axis if nr=nc=1
- fig, axis_array in all other cases.

so it's a bit ugly.  I think this is a case where practicality beats
purity and my nose tells me to go for the less pretty but more
convenient api, but I'm happy to get feedback.  The return code reads

    # Reshape the array to have the final desired dimension (nrow,ncol), though
    # discarding unneeded dimensions that equal 1.  If we only have one
    # subplot, just return it instead of a 1-element array.
    if nplots==1:
        return fig, axarr[0]
        return fig, axarr.reshape(nrows, ncols).squeeze()

Once we settle this design decision, I'll  update the docstring and
example and will post the patch for final review before committing.



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