On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 9:48 AM, Benjamin Root <ben.r...@ou.edu> wrote:
> I am curious as to why bar() should even be acting like errorbar().  As a
> user, I would expect bar() to do bar graphs and errorbar() to do error bar
> graphs.  Is there some sort of use-case that I am missing where it makes
> sense to generate errorbars from a bar() function?

Some of this stuff is just really old (circa 2003).  When you have
just a few users and someone sends you a patch, you tend to accept it

First we had bar, then we had errorbar, and someone wanted the
convenience of easily adding errorbars to bar plots.  Over time, these
conveniences have grown into a fairly complex interface (xerr, yerr,
asymmetric errors).  So it has grown more organically than by design
and some rationalization and normalization of functionality would be a
good thing.  We have to balance that with the downsides of code
breakage, however.



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