> Yes, but there is a *lot* more involved in making the transition than
> just creating a git replica of the svn trunk.

Granted, and I'm probably forgetting many of them.  So it is probably
a good idea for us to enumerate them here as a checklist when we do

The major issues I am aware of are:

* what do to about all the various subdirs of the mpl trunk
(trunk/toolkits/basemap, trunk/sample_data, etc..).  An svn commit to
one tags all with a unique revision number.  In git, how do we
synchronize between them?  Putting them all in the same tree would be
monolithic and require huge checkouts.  Unlike svn, in git it is
difficult/impossible to check out just a subdir (eg trunk/matplotlb)
and also commit to it.  So we might end up having to informally
synchronize parts of the trunk.  Eg, basemap rXXX requires mpl rYYY in
the CHANGELOG or release notes.

* we have to port the sample_data handling.  Jouni has shown that the
viewvc ETags in sf and github work the same way, so this should be a
minor hurdle.

* organizational stuff: how do we handle the notion of the central
repo?  Now that github support "organizations" this should be
relatively easy.  Andrew and I registered a matplotlib user acct at
github and created a gmail acct mplgithub as a central administrator
(matplot...@gmail.com was taken, the bastards).  Email me offlist if
you are interested in obtaining the passwd for the github or gmail
admin accts -- but you should probably coordinate with Andrew who is
our point person as soon as he re-emerges.

* porting the buildbot to work w/ github commits

* related: porting the trunkdocs build to work with github commits

* how to handle the svn tree at sf -- should it mirror the new github
tree or remain stale or simply removed?

Please add to the list other issues that need to be handled.

Of all these, I'm only concerned philosophically with the first.  The
others are matters of time and work as people make the transition to
the new server.  The first seems like a true potential workflow
impediment for those who run off svn/git HEAD and analogues.


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