On 16 January 2013 08:35, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:

> When this has come up on the numfocus list before the status was, sure,
> they can provide resources/funding if you can find someone to do the actual
> work :-). If anyone is interested in putting in the time to solve this
> problem properly then a lot of projects would be grateful I think...

We'd certainly be interested in a better solution for IPython - I think we
see more Travis builds failing because of Travis than because of the actual

Before Travis started testing pull requests, we wrote our own test_pr.py
script [1], which fetches a PR, merges it into master, tests on several
versions of Python, and (optionally) posts a comment to Github with the
results. This should be pretty easy to adapt to other projects - NetworkX
already decide to use it [2]. With a little more code, I imagine we could
configure a server to regularly scan pull requests for changes and test

Sympy also have a system for automatically testing pull requests [3]. I
think this is somewhat more advanced, with a queue on Google Appengine, and
workers which pull jobs from the queue.

Finally, we're keen users of ShiningPanda [4]. It doesn't test pull
requests, but it's reliable, and can handle things like coverage metrics

[1] https://github.com/ipython/ipython/blob/master/tools/test_pr.py
[2] https://github.com/networkx/networkx/pull/752
[3] http://reviews.sympy.org/
[4] https://jenkins.shiningpanda.com/ipython/

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