
I have used cygwin to compile numpy and scipy svn versions for win XP on 
my old athlon system.  I believe the scipy site has some detailed 
instructions.  However, I have done a lot of compiling on my linux 
system and so that part was easy (configure, make, make install, etc)  I 
don't know about mpl but scipy for sure was very sensitive to the 
platform and the stock scipy distro blew up big time doing curve fitting 
optimizations.  Compiling my own versions made those problems go away, 
thankfully.  You can download cygwin and install it easily enough but 
then you need to pick which of the included programs to install and that 
is a pain unless you have disk space and can do everything. 

For numpy and scipy I did the following in the cygwin prompt after 
cd-ing to where I keep my sources:

  "/cygdrive/c/python25/python.exe config --compiler=mingw32 
build \
 --compiler=mingw32 bdist_wininst " and this produced a windows .exe 

I tried mpl last night and it failed due to some dependencies, I think 
it was freetype that was missing and I couldn't satisfy the requirements 
but maybe someone on the list can enlighten us.  With that taken care 
of, it should be straightforward.


Chris Withers wrote:
> Michael Droettboom wrote:
>>> That's cool'n'all, but when is svn going to make it into a Windows 
>>> binary release? ;-)
>> I suspect your question is somewhat rhetorical, but...  it will probably 
>> be a while ;) 
> Why is that? Who cranks out the binary releases on Windows and what 
> compiler do they use?
>> I know a lot of people (myself included) have had success with MinGW.  
> What's the "official" compiler used, though?
>> It's a good learning experience, and there's lots on this list willing 
>> to help.  If we can get more SVN Windows users on board, more crazy 
>> Windows-only bugs will get found and squashed sooner... ;)
> Well, tell me how to get the svn trunk and how to compile and I'll give 
> it a go :-)
> cheers,
> Chris

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