Hi all,

All the usual apologies if this is a FAQ, but I can't find it.

Is there any way to change the backend interactively when using ipython?

Best of all would a way to make changes in the middle of a session, but 
even being able to do it at the beginning without editing matplotlibrc 
would be great.

For what I actually need to do, I don't really need to change the 
backend, but what I'd like to be able to do is just interactively stop 
all interactive (X11) output for my chosen backend   --  I'm  working 
over the network and it's very slow, but I want my savefig commandds to 
produce something.

Without ipython, I know you can do -dAgg (for example) but I don't see 
how /if that works with ipython.


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