On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 4:52 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frank Lagor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am sorry to bug you all with an installation problem, but I need
>> some additional help to get this figured out.
>> I previously had a matplotlib installed and working fine, but it was
>> necessary for me to redo some other installations like numpy when I
>> needed a complete lapack library.  This also led to me installing
>> another version of g77, because numpy needed a specific library that
>> was only provide by the g77 version of fortran for some reason.
>> Anyways, numpy works great but I went back to install matplotlib and I
>> ran into trouble.  After the installation process, if I try to import
>> matplotlib.pylab I get the following errors:
>> from matplotlib._path import affine_transform
>> ImportError: /ronaldo/pkg/dfranci/gcc-g77-3.4.6/lib64/libgcc_s.so.1:
>> version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6)
>> Is this a problem that I can fix in the matplotlib installation or do
>> I need to go back up to the numpy installation?
>> I should note that I do not have gcc-4.2.0 on my system.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Frank
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> Quoted from:
> http://www.nabble.com/Installation-problem-tp20427671p20427671.html
> I have the same problem on my portable (windows XP) but everithing works on 
> my desk top!!
> Do you have received any answer?
> Thanks
> Domenico

Hi Domenico,

Yes, the problem was resolved and it all works great now.  I can't
tell you exactly what fixed it because I am no an expert on library
files, compiling stuff, etc.  However, here is what I thought:  I
thought that the libstdc++.so was not finding the correct library
files for the compiler or that there was a difference between the
version of gcc compiler used to make the libstdc++.so file and the gcc
compiler that I used to build other python related dependencies like
numpy.  So here is what I did:  (I'm sorry but I do not know how to do
this in wondows.  I only know what I did linux)

1) Installed a brand new version on the gcc suite of compilers on my
computer.  (I took a long time to do this, but I wanted to make sure
that all the library files and the compilers that I used matched up
and worked well.)  I seem to recall that there was one flag which was
important: I think it was --with-gnu-ld, which tells gcc to use the
gnu ld program for linking library files.   Please also be sure to set
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to find all the appropriate library

2) I rebuilt LAPACK and ATLAS (because I was having trouble with them
too and I knew that numpy depended on the lapack routines.

3) I rebuilt numpy.

4) I installed matplotlib.

I know this probably seems like overkill, but it is what I had to do
to get my machine working.

Sorry I can't be of more help, these issues are pretty specific to the
individual computer.

Best of luck,


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