Barry Wark wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 6:11 AM, Etienne Gaudrain <> wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for the link, and for the suggestions!
>> I will probably give a go to Mayavi2, but given how heavy it seems to be
>> (compared to matplotlib) it probably requires some custom wrapping...
>> which means again a lot time investment... thanks for the tips anyway!
> Etienne,
> I believe that Mayavi2 has a matlab-like interface (called mlab, I
> think) which offers a much higher-level (and more command-line
> friendly) API. I'm not a Mayavi expert by any streach, but you may be
> able to find many helpful folks on the enthought-dev list
> (

You might also be interested in Nicholas Rougier's SciGL project, which
(IIRC) was started because of the removal of mpl's 3D plotting
functionality, but which looks really nice:

Reminds me that I need to find something to plot in 3D so I can use it ;)


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