Deltarodigy wrote:
> efiring wrote:
>> Deltarodigy wrote:
>>> For my program I have been trying to animate a contour plot, the color
>>> bar,
>>> and a subtitle saying what time step it is. I have gotten the graph to
>>> write
>>> over itself but cannot get it clear the screen properly. Currently using
>>> the
>>> clf function the wipe is visible messing with animation.
>> This is because all pylab/pyplot functions include a 
>> draw_if_interactive.  They are intended for interactive use, not for 
>> programmed animation.  For that you should use the OO interface.  Have 
>> you worked through the animation examples? 
>> Mpl is not particularly fast, and some operations like contouring are 
>> inherently slow, so unless the fields you are contouring are quite 
>> simple you may run into performance problems.
>> For animation of contours, you normally want to have contours at fixed 
>> intervals, so I expect you will want to specify those contour levels as 
>> an argument to the contour and contourf functions (or Axes methods, when 
>> you switch to an OO style.)  That will allow drawing the colorbar only
>> once.
>> Eric
>>> Here is a link to my project, the graph code is all in the rest of
>>> the files are for the generation of the data.
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>> Matplotlib-users mailing list
> I have gotten that far the calculations take so long the rendering speed is
> not too important. I have been working on this and I got the subtitle to
> animate. My current problem involves the colorbar. When I update the contour
> graph and the titles the written over cleanly, but when the colorbar is
> redrawn it draws a second one right next to it. Reading other threads I
> tried the clf command but the makes the animation kludgy and it has to
> reshrink all of the graphs and such.

Again, don't use the pyplot interface!  For an animation, avoid having 
to redraw the colorbar at all; and don't use the pyplot colorbar 
command, use the Figure.colorbar method, and explicitly pass in the 
colorbar axes to use, via the cax kwarg.  Don't leave creation of its 
axes to the colorbar method itself more than once, because it will 
always create a new one.


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