Thanks much for the quick response. I updated both matplotlib and
basemap (now at 0.99.5) via svn and noticed the new First, from within site-packages/mpl_toolkits/basemap,

$ grep date2index *.py`date2index`: compute a time variable index
corresponding to a date. date2index(dates, nctime, calendar='proleptic_gregorian'):    return netcdftime.date2index(dates, nctime, calendar=None) date2index(dates, nctime, calendar=None, select='exact'):    date2index(dates, nctime, calendar=None, select='exact')

so there seems to be some disagreement between and concerning the presence of the "select" argument. When I
call date2index with the "select" keyword arg I get

In [24]: ix0 = date2index(date0,timedata,timedata.calendar,select='nearest')
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/amg/work/nhmm/<ipython console> in <module>()

TypeError: date2index() got an unexpected keyword argument 'select'


This detail aside, I am still having difficulty with date2index, but
annoyingly, I seem to get different error messages with different datasets. I'll illustrate two here, starting with the one I initially posted about. (See note below regarding this data.)

In [3]: from mpl_toolkits.basemap import date2index,num2date,NetCDFFile as ncf
In [10]: from mpl_toolkits import basemap
In [11]: print basemap.__version__
In [24]: fname0 = ''
In [25]: fname1 = 'ipcc4/20c3m/gfdl_cm2_1/'
In [26]: fname = fname0+fname1
In [28]: datobj = ncf(fname)
In [33]: datobj.variables['tas'].shape
Out[33]: (1680, 90, 144)
In [34]: timedata = datobj.variables['time']
In [35]: from datetime import datetime as dt
In [36]: date0 = dt(1951,1,16,12,0,0)
In [37]: print date0
1951-01-16 12:00:00
In [38]: nt0 = date2index(date0,timedata)
ClientError                               Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/amg/work/nhmm/<ipython console> in <module>()

/home/amg/usr/local/cdat/trunk/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mpl_toolkits/basemap/__init__.pyc in date2index(dates, nctime, calendar)
   3931     Returns an index or a sequence of indices.
   3932     """
-> 3933     return netcdftime.date2index(dates, nctime, calendar=None)
   3935 def maskoceans(lonsin,latsin,datain,inlands=False):

/home/amg/usr/local/cdat/trunk/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mpl_toolkits/basemap/netcdftime.pyc in date2index(dates, nctime, calendar, select)
   1006     # If the times do not correspond, then it means that the times
   1007     # are not increasing uniformly and we try the bisection method.
-> 1008     if not _check_index(index, dates, nctime, calendar):
   1010         # Use the bisection method. Assumes the dates are ordered.

/home/amg/usr/local/cdat/trunk/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mpl_toolkits/basemap/netcdftime.pyc in _check_index(indices, dates, nctime, calendar)
    959         return False
--> 961     t = nctime[indices]
    962     return numpy.all( num2date(t, nctime.units, calendar) == dates)

/home/amg/usr/local/cdat/trunk/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mpl_toolkits/basemap/netcdf.pyc in __getitem__(self, index)
     66     def __getitem__(self, index):
---> 67         datout = squeeze(self._var.__getitem__(index))
     68         # automatically
     69         # - remove singleton dimensions

/home/amg/usr/local/cdat/trunk/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dap/dtypes.pyc in __getitem__(self, key)
    409     def __getitem__(self, key):
    410         # Return data from the array.
--> 411         return[key]
    413     def __setitem__(self, key, item):

/home/amg/usr/local/cdat/trunk/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dap/proxy.pyc in __getitem__(self, index)
    113         # Fetch data.
--> 114 resp, data = openurl(url, self.cache, self.username, self.password)
116 # First lines are ASCII information that end with 'Data:\n'.

/home/amg/usr/local/cdat/trunk/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dap/util/http.pyc in openurl(url, cache, username, password) 19 m ='code = (?P<code>\d+);\s*message = "(?P<msg>.*)"', data, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
     20         msg =  'Server error %(code)s: "%(msg)s"' % m.groupdict()
---> 21         raise ClientError(msg)
     23     return resp, data

ClientError: 'Server error 0: "invalid literal for int(): [1113"'


Note that this is a different error than previously reported. Also, the correct time index is still 1080:

In [40]: taxvals = datobj.variables['time'][:]

In [41]: num2date(taxvals[1080],timedata.units,timedata.calendar)
Out[41]: 1951-01-16 12:00:00


This dataset, generated by one of the IPCC models, is password-protected, but could be a good target for decoding, since it is typical of a large class of climate models, that generate a lot of analytical activity. To get a password (they're free) one must register. Info is here: Follow "How to access..." then "Register to download output." Once you get a userid and password they can be inserted in the NetCDFFile call, voila. Note that there is a new iteration of IPCC coming down the pike; new model files to become widely available starting in 2010.


The underlying data is available via ftp. I fetched it and extracted a small slab, which is available at The CDAT package can digest this file; first time step is plotted here: The dates can also be read by this package, and run from Aug 1950 to Aug 1951, inclusive (13 mos). So the file does not seem to be garbage.

In [16]: datobj = ncf('')
In [17]: timedata = datobj.variables['time']
In [18]: date0 = dt(1951,1,16,12,0,0)
In [19]: nt0 = date2index(date0,timedata)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/amg/work/nhmm/<ipython console> in <module>()

/home/amg/usr/local/cdat/trunk/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mpl_toolkits/basemap/__init__.pyc in date2index(dates, nctime, calendar)
   3931     Returns an index or a sequence of indices.
   3932     """
-> 3933     return netcdftime.date2index(dates, nctime, calendar=None)
   3935 def maskoceans(lonsin,latsin,datain,inlands=False):

/home/amg/usr/local/cdat/trunk/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mpl_toolkits/basemap/netcdftime.pyc in date2index(dates, nctime, calendar, select)
   1011         import bisect
-> 1013 index = numpy.array([bisect.bisect_left(nctime, n) for n in num], int)
   1015         nomatch = num2date(nctime[index], nctime.units) != dates

TypeError: object of type 'netcdf_variable' has no len()

Investigating the time axis,

In [20]: taxvals = timedata[:]

In [21]: taxvals
Out[21]: array([ 32712.5, 32743. , 32773.5, 32804. , 32834.5, 32865.5, 32895. , 32924.5, 32955. , 32985.5, 33016. , 33046.5, 33077.5])

In [22]: num2date(taxvals,timedata.units,timedata.calendar)
Out[22]: array([1950-08-16 12:00:00, 1950-09-16 00:00:00, 1950-10-16 12:00:00,
       1950-11-16 00:00:00, 1950-12-16 12:00:00, 1951-01-16 12:00:00,
       1951-02-15 00:00:00, 1951-03-16 12:00:00, 1951-04-16 00:00:00,
       1951-05-16 12:00:00, 1951-06-16 00:00:00, 1951-07-16 12:00:00,
       1951-08-16 12:00:00], dtype=object)

Which agrees with what CDAT sees.


I think this is enough for now. I also had problems opening data files whose time units were like "months since xxxx-xx-xx," since the "months" unit does not seem to be supported. ("years since..." could also be useful in some cases.) But maybe one or two things at a time is enough!

Thanks for any assistance/advice!



Jeff Whitaker wrote:
David Huard wrote:

I wrote the date2index function and I think what you are seeing is a bug that I fixed a couple of months ago. By using the latest version of netcdf4-python, not only should this bug disappear, but you'll also find that date2index now supports different selection methods: 'exact', 'before', 'after', 'nearest', that should help with your use case.

If this does not fix the problem you are seeing, I'd appreciate having a copy of the file and code to reproduce the problem and find a solution.


David Huard

Arthur: I've just updated basemap svn with David's latest version of date2index, so another option is to update basemap from svn. Or, even simpler, just drop the attached file in lib/mpl_toolkits/basemap (replacing the old one) and run python install.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Arthur M. Greene < <>> wrote:

    Hi All,

    The problem is not with fetching the data slice itself, but
    finding the
    correct indices to specify, particularly with the time dimension. The
    below examples refer to a remote dataset that I can open and slice
    indices, as in

    slice = remoteobj.variables['tas'][:120,20:40,30:50].

    However, I have problems when trying to use the syntax in or (from the examples) to find time indices:

    In [107]: from datetime import datetime as dt
    In [108]: date0 = dt(1951,1,1,0)
    In [110]: print date0
    1951-01-01 00:00:00

    In [125]: timedata = remoteobj.variables['time']
    In [126]: nt0 = date2index(date0,timedata)
    AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent
    call last)

    /home/amg/work/nhmm/<ipython console> in <module>()


    in date2index(dates, nctime, calendar)
       3924     Returns an index or a sequence of indices.
       3925     """
-> 3926 return netcdftime.date2index(dates, nctime, calendar=None)
       3928 def maskoceans(lonsin,latsin,datain,inlands=False):


    in date2index(dates, nctime, calendar)
        987         # Perform check again.
    --> 988         _check_index(index, dates, nctime, calendar)
990 # convert numpy scalars or single element arrays to python


    in _check_index(indices, dates, nctime, calendar)
        941     for n,i in enumerate(indices):
        942         t[n] = nctime[i]
    --> 943     assert numpy.all( num2date(t, nctime.units, calendar)
    == dates)



    It turns out that date0 corresponds best to index 1080:

    In [139]: remoteobj.variables['time'][1080]
    Out[139]: 32865.5

    In [141]: num2date(32865.5,timedata.units,timedata.calendar)
    Out[141]: 1951-01-16 12:00:00

    This isn't the _exact_ date and time I had specified, but

    In [142]: date0 = dt(1951,01,16,12,00,00)
    In [143]: print date0
    1951-01-16 12:00:00

    In [144]: date2index(date0,timedata,timedata.calendar)

    produces the same AssertionError. Where is the problem?

    What I would _like_ to do is to issue a simple call using coordinates
    rather than the indices, of the form:

    slice = variable[date0:date1,[plev],lat0:lat1,lon0:lon1],

or similar, preferably without writing a whole module just to find the
    correct indices. I need to fetch similar slices from a group of
    having time axes that may each be defined slightly differently --
    different calendars, time point set at a different day of the month,
    etc. (It's monthly data and I'm specifying only monthly bounds, even
    though the calendar may be defined as "days since 1860...") I need to
    automate the process so I get back the correct slab regardless.

    Suggestions appreciated!



    Arthur M. Greene, Ph.D.
    The International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI)
    The Earth Institute, Columbia University, Lamont Campus

    amg at iri dot columbia dot edu |

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