On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:30 PM, <jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:

> I tried the following (most output text is deleted):
> In [1]: ob1=[1,1,2,2,1,2,4,3,2,2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,7,6,4,5,5]
> In [2]: import matplotlib.pyplot as
> plt
> In [3]:
> plt.figure()
> In [4]:
> plt.boxplot(ob1)
> In [5]:
> plt.savefig('test.png')
> In [6]: import
> scipy.stats
> In [7]:
> scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(ob1,75)
> Out[7]: 5.5
> Note that the 75th percentile is 5.5.  R agrees with this calculation.
> However, in the boxplot, the top of the box is around 6, not 5.5.  Isn't
> the top of the box supposed to be at the 75th percentile?
> Thanks,
> Jason
> --
> Jason Grout
>From  matplotlib/lib/matplotlib/axes.py

You can see how matplotlib calculating percentiles. And yes it doesn't
conform with scipy's scoreatpercentile()

            # get median and quartiles
            q1, med, q3 = mlab.prctile(d,[25,50,75])

I[36]: q1
O[36]: 2.0

I[37]: med
O[37]: 4.0

I[38]: q3
O[38]: 6.0

Could this be due to a rounding? I don't know, but I am curious to hear the
explanations for this discrepancy.

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