On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 3:45 PM, <jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:

> Robert Kern wrote:
> > prctile does not handle the case where the exact percentile lies between
> two
> > items. scoreatpercentile does.
> >
> >
> If mlab is supposed to be compatible with matlab, then isn't this a
> problem?
>  From matlab, version (R2006a)
>  >> prctile([1 1 2 2 1 2 4 3 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 6 4 5 5],[0 25 50 75
> 100])
> ans =
>    1.0000    2.0000    4.0000    5.7500    9.0000
> Of course, the 75th percentile is different here too (5.75 instead of
> scipy's 5.5).  I don't know how to explain that discrepancy.
> Jason

Now there are 3 different 75 percentiles :). Any ideas, which is one the
most correct?

I have used matplotlib's percentile outputs on some of my abstracts and
posters, not yet in a paper. Not a big difference amongst them, but still
makes me think, should I compare similar other function results with other
programs when I do data analyses.

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