Is there any reason that you need to find out which axes is a color
bar axes from the list of axes? Can you just keep references to
colorbars you create?

cbar = colorbar()
cax =

cax is the axes instance of the colobar you just created.



On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Nico Schlömer
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> when plotting a color bar with a plot in matplotlib, the color bar
> gets treated internally as Axes.
> With two main plots, each of which comes with a color bar, one structurally 
> gets
> <class 'matplotlib.figure.Figure'>
>    <class 'matplotlib.axes.Axes'>
>    <class 'matplotlib.axes.Axes'>
>    <class 'matplotlib.axes.Axes'>
>    <class 'matplotlib.axes.Axes'>
> (that is, a Figure has for childres Axes). To find out which one of
> those is a color bar, I basically inspect their children an look for
> Arrays with shape (256,), which is what color bars look like. That's
> ugly of course, but it kind of works(tm). :)
> I'm having problems, though, with associating color bars with the
> specific plot. Can I rely on the rule that an Axes -- if it has a
> color bar --, is immediately followed by the corresponding (color bar)
> Axes environment? Are there any other properties I could check to
> identify color bars? (Tried get_label to no avail.)
> Cheers,
> Nico
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