On 14-Sep-2010 00:55, Eric Firing wrote:
> On 09/13/2010 12:08 PM, Virgil Stokes wrote:
>>   On 2010-09-13 21:55, Benjamin Root wrote:
>>> On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Virgil Stokes <v...@it.uu.se
>>> <mailto:v...@it.uu.se>> wrote:
>>>     I have tried to produce a very simple plot with my recent
>>>     installation of matplotlib (1.0.0 64-bit) and numpy (1.5.0 64-bit)
>>>     using the following code (taken from the matplotlib tutorial
>>>     material).
>>>     *import matplotlib
>>>     import numpy
>>>     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>>     print matplotlib.__version__
>>>     print numpy.__version__
>>>     plt.plot([1,2,3,4])
>>>     plt.ylabel('some numbers')
>>>     plt.show()*
>>>     If I execute this in Windows 7 (64-bit) it works correctly. If I
>>>     execute this in Windows Vista (32-bit) it works correctly.
>>>     If I execute this in Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit the versions are printed
>>>     out correctly and thus I believe that the packages are being
>>>     imported; but, /no plot is produced!/
>>>     Why not?
>>> Virgil,
>>> Did you build matplotlib from source?
>> I did try this and believe that it succeeded (saw no errors displayed
>> during the build).
>>> If so, then chances are that one or more backends were not built
>>> properly.
>> But, I do not understand what you mean here...
>>> This typically happens if you do not have all the build dependencies.
>> And what can I do to correct this?
>>> Note, the build will not necessarily fail if some dependencies are
>>> missing because the core portions of matplotlib still build successfully.
>> Sorry Ben, bu I do not understand what you mean here.
>> Would you please explain how I can use some combination of the following
>> (with Python 2.6 on Ubuntu 10.04 both 64-bit) to get a working
>> matplotlib and numpy.
>> * *python-numpy_1.4.1-4_amd64.deb*
>> * *python-numpy_1.5.0-1ppa1_amd64.deb*
>> * *numpy-1.5.0.tar.gz*
>> and,
>> * *matplotlib_0.99.3-1ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz*
>> * *matplotlib_0.99.3.orig.tar.gz*
>> * *matplotlib-1.0.0.tar.gz*
>> This has become such a frustrating task that I would settle for vers.
>> 0.99.3 of matplotlib and/or vers. 1.4.1-4 of numpy. I thought I
>> understood Python and Ubuntu 10.04 enough to accomplish this task; but,
>> obviously this was not the case. And I have looked at the FAQs and help
>> given at matplotlib's homepage.
> If you would like up-to-date versions of both numpy and matplotlib, then you 
> can either find and install the *dev packages individually, or do something 
> like this:
> sudo apt-get build-dep python-matplotlib
> sudo apt-get remove python
Very interesting --- what do these two commands actually do? (Just a short 
explanation would be appreciated)
> Now untar your numpy, go in, build and install:
> setup.py build
> sudo setup.py install
Yes, this makes good sense...
> And last, do the same for matplotlib, preferably with a checkout from svn.  
> Some bugs have been fixed since the last release.
Never, have installed from svn; but, I assume that there is a tar file there 
that I can download and use for a 64-bit Linux system.
> Before all of this, you might do well to uninstall whatever versions or parts 
> of numpy and matplotlib had been installed via your previous efforts.
Yes, I have already done this; but, I will check this carefully again before I 
start the reinstallation process.
> The point of the first apt-get is to install things like freetype and the gui 
> toolkits.  The only problem is that this also installs an old version of 
> numpy, hence the second apt-get command.
Ok, this seems to have answered my previous question.
> The good news is that once you get over the hump of having the dependencies 
> installed, subsequent updates and compilations of numpy and matplotlib are 
> easy.  It is usually advisable to delete the build directory, since setup.py 
> is not very smart with respect to knowing what needs to be recompiled.  
> Sometimes it is also necessary to clean out the old version from its 
> installation location.  See attached script for an example of mpl 
> uninstallation.
This is exactly where I was headed --- a complete and new mpl installation with 
the latest matplotlib.

Thanks for all the tips and pointing me in the correct direction. I will get 
back to you on how it went.


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