
I am working on creating some distribution plots to analyze cloud droplet
and drop features.  You can see one such plot at
This file contains 38 pages and each page has 16 panels created via
MPL's AxesGrid toolkit. I am using PdfPages from pdf backend profile to
construct this multi-page plot. The original code that is used to create
this plot is in

The problem I am reporting is due to the lengthier plot creation times. It
takes about 4 minutes to create such plot in my laptop. To better
demonstrate the issue I created a sample script which you can use to
reproduce my timing results --well based on pseudo/random data points. All
my data points in the original script are float64 so I use float64 in the
sample script as well.

The script is at
http://atmos.uwyo.edu/~gsever/data/matplotlib/test_speed.pyI also
included 2 pages output running the script with nums=2 setting
Comparing my original output, indeed cloud particles are not from a normal
distribution :)

Joke aside, running with nums=2 for 2 pages

time run test_speed.py
CPU times: user 12.39 s, sys: 0.10 s, total: 12.49 s
Wall time: 12.84 s

when nums=38, just like my original script, then I get similar timing to my
original run

time run test.py
CPU times: user 227.39 s, sys: 1.74 s, total: 229.13 s
Wall time: 234.87 s

In addition to these longer plot creation times, 38 pages plot creation
consumes about 3 GB memory.  I am wondering if there are tricks to improve
plot creation times as well as more efficiently using the memory.
Attempting to create two such distributions blocks my machine eating 6 GB
of ram space.

Using Python 2.7, NumPy 2.0.0.dev-7e202a2, IPython
0.13.beta1, matplotlib 1.1.1rc  on Fedora 16 (x86_64)


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