Am 05.10.2012 11:13, schrieb Matthias BUSSONNIER:
> Le 4 oct. 2012 à 23:09, Juergen Hasch a écrit :
>> Here is my take on it as an IPython notebook, based on Damon's code:
>> I took the engineering approach and filtered the random function instead of 
>> doing some fft/ifft magic.
>> Also, X and Y of the functions are affected now, giving them a more 
>> "natural" look in the slopes.
>>    Juergen
> If anyone have time to make some examples and a right side thumbnail
> I can make it as featured notebook in the front page of nbviewer.
> You can even make a direct PR agains nbviewer and I would then just have
> to merge and deploy.
> To be fair, notebook should also give some explanation of the code,
> link to this discussion, maybe show one "original" xkcd graph.
> Please take your time, and if there is several submission,
> we'll sort out how to choose the best(s).
I automated things a little more, and learned a few things about matplotlib on 
the way.
Here is the result:

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