
 following problem arises when using the pgf backend:

 For the plots in my document I would like to use a sans-serif font. 
 Because I want to use the functionality of the Tex-package siunitx 
 (among others) I need to use either the pdf-backend with text.usetex set 
 to True or the pgf-backend. Because I like the idea of being able to use 
 virtually any font with XeLatex I'd prefer using the pgf-backend. 
 However, I cannot seem to be able to convince matplotlib to use a 
 sans-serif font for the tick-labels of my logarithmic axis. The weird 
 thing is, that there is no problem when using linear scales. My 
 (minimal) matplotlibrc looks like this:

 backend       : pdf
 font.family   : sans-serif
 pgf.preamble  : \usepackage{sfmath}

 An example script to reproduce the error:
 #!usr/bin/env python

 from pylab import *

 y = logspace(-3,9,num=50,base=10.0)

 fig = figure(1)
 myplt = fig.add_subplot(111)

 Has anyone had similar issues or does anyone have a good idea as to 
 what to look into? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Thanks in advance,


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