Fortunately, you have a couple of options here. First of all, when you call
the plt.hist function, it actually returns three useful sets of data: the
frequencies, bin edges, and the bar patches. The first two are probably
what you want. You can grab those for later use in your code by doing the
freq, bins, bars = plt.hist(data,histtype='bar',bins = 100,log=True)
It will be a little tricky here because the 'bins' array are the edges of
the bins that contain the frequency values, so there will be one more value
than the 'freq' array. You can quickly calculate the center of the bins by
taking the average of each bin pair:
(bins[1:] + bins[:-1])/2.
Alternatively, if you don't want to actually plot the histogram but just
the freq and bins arrays, then you can use the 'histogram' function in
Numpy, which I believe is used internally by Matplotlib.
On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 7:27 PM, dilpreet singh <giggs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> i want to plot a scatter plot similar to the one attached with email . I
> can plot a histogram but the hist method can't plot a scatter plot . Is
> there a way to use the output of the hist() method and use it as an input
> to the scatter plot ?
> The part of the code i am using to plot histogram is as follows :
> data = get_data()
> plt.figure(figsize=(7,4))
> ax = plt.subplots()
> plt.hist(data,histtype='bar',bins = 100,log=True)
> plt.show()
> Thanks
> Dilpreet
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