Just a follow-up on this problem...
I've found now that the index is only off if the plot is zoomed, and in the
following way. When I zoom, the first point that is visible in the plot
window will have index = 0, the next point will have index = 1, and so
forth. If I zoom another section of the points, the indices are "reset" in
this same way.
What's really bizarre is that this is only occurring on one plot. When I
try to reproduce the problem on other plots (so far at least), I can't.
Any suggestions for how to chase this down would be very welcome.
On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 5:30 PM, C M <cmpyt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have Matplotlib 1.1.0, and am doing point picking (using the OO approach
> to Matplotlib, and embedded in wxPython). My relevant code is as follows:
> #connect the pick event to the pick event handler:
> self.cid = self.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.on_pick)
> #This is the relevant part of the pick event handler:
> def on_pick(self, event):
> if isinstance(event.artist, Line2D):
> ind = event.ind
> print 'ind is: ', str(ind)
> This had been working in some cases, but I've found a case in which it
> appears to be giving me a value for ind that doesn't make sense. For
> example, I have a plot with two lines on it (and two y axes), each with
> over 50 points. When I pick one of the points right near the end, I expect
> the ind here will be about 50. However, it prints ind is: 3. In other
> words, the wrong index value. This is a serious issue for me, because I
> then use that index to look up information about that point.
> What could be going on here?
> Thanks,
> Che
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