On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Benjamin Root <ben.r...@ou.edu> wrote:

> Thanks for the example script. I think I have a clue now what is happening.

Thank you for the quick reply.

> If one were to also print out the length of the "d" array, you will find
> that it is significantly shorter than when you aren't zoomed (I am getting
> a length of 7 when it should be 155). But it isn't truncated for the other
> dataset (which is of length 62). This makes me suspect that there is some
> threshold being triggered here (possibly around 128?).

I've tested it, and it seems that threshold number is 100.  If the dataset
has 100 points, the zooming doesn't affect the index.  If it has 101 or
more (I guess...I didn't test it in any comprehensive way), I get the

I think at this point, you should definitely file a bug report.

 I have filed a bug report:


And I made it such that there is just the one data set and you can truncate
it to however many points you want, with the direction being to try 101
(which it is set to initially) and then try 100 or less.

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