On 2015/04/08 11:15 AM, Jody Klymak wrote:
> Hi Eric,
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2,sharex=True)
>>> axes[0].set_aspect(1.)
>>> axes[0].plot(np.arange(10),np.arange(10))
>>> axes[0].set_ylim([0,24])
>>> axes[0].set_xlim([0,12])
>>> axes[1].plot(np.arange(10),np.arange(10)*2.)
>>> plt.show()
>>> does not work as I'd expect.  axes[0]'s ylim gets changed so that the
>>> line is no longer viewable (= 10-14).  In my opinion, the two calls
>>> should work the same, except in the second case, axes[1]'s xlim
>>> should be 0-12.
>> If you leave out the set_ylim call, it works.  Given that you have
>> specified set_ylim[0, 24], how is mpl supposed to know what ylim range
>> you really want, when the axis constraint means it can only plot a
>> small part of the specified range?
> It doesn't for me:
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2,sharex=True)
> axes[0].set_aspect(1.)
> axes[0].plot(np.arange(10),np.arange(10))
> axes[1].plot(np.arange(10),np.arange(10)*2.)
> plt.show()
> still curtails the y limit in axes[0], in my case from ~2.9 to ~6.1 (see
> attached).

Jody, you told it you want x to go from 0 to 12, and have an aspect 
ratio of 1.  It is doing exactly that.  Are you expecting it to override 
your xlim specification?

>> Basically, you have set up conflicting constraints, and mpl failed
>> to resolve the conflict the way you think it should have.  Maybe that
>> could be improved, but I warn you, it's a tricky business.  Squeeze in
>> one place and things pop out somewhere else.
> I'm not clear what the conflicting constraints are.  There seems to be
> an unspoken one that sharex=True means the physical size of the axes
> must be the same. That constraint doesn't exist if sharex=False, and
> set_aspect() works as expected.  I'm questioning the unspoken
> constraint, and questioning why set_aspect() (or looking at the code
> apply_aspect()) needs to know about shared axes at all.  No doubt there
> is a use case I'm missing...

Yes, sharex=True means the x-axis is identical.  It's shared.  That's 
just what it means, and what it has always meant.  That's what it is 
for--to lock together the x axes of two or more Axes.

> I *can* see the issue if we think setting aspect ratios should *not*
> change the size of the axes, because changing the aspect ratio changes
> the data limits and then you have a problem checking all the shared axes
> to see which one has the largest data limits.  Its particularly
> problematic because I think that apply_aspect() is only called at
> draw()-time.  That seems a hard problem, but I'm not sure what the use
> case is for it, so I have trouble wrapping my head around it.

The use case for what--calling apply_aspect at draw time?  That's the 
only time it knows everything it needs to know in the general case, when 
there might be pan/zoom/reshape events.


> Thanks,   Jody
> --
> Jody Klymak
> http://web.uvic.ca/~jklymak/
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