Dear Matpower Community,
       I am a Ph.D student of SWJTU from China. When I tried the matpower6.01b1 
to solve the CASE9421PEGASE, I found a very strange things. When I use the 
default MIPS solver, it just need about 22 seconds; when I change to the IPOPT 
solver (I have installed the OPTI toolbox), it need about 63 seconds. In my 
expectation, the IPOPT should be faster than the MIPS as the matpower6.01b1 
manual said. I guess the reason is that the IPOPT should be used with PARDISO 
to improve performance.
      However, I can't find the Pre-built MEX binaries of high-performance 
IPOPT-PARDISO for the WIN-64bit platform and, I never successfully compile the 
PARDISO matlab interface. Does anyone have compile successfully? Could you 
share the code or the precompile mex file with me?
     Yours Sincerely,
     Winson Woods. 


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