OK, doing some more research this may be a HID device so I could use
I can currently connect to the device using MacHIDMBS but I can't seems to
get any data from it.
I think I need the ability to get a report from the device.
In my case it may be specifically a "Feature Report"
See this...
Look at the section headed "Getting and Setting HID Reports"
Looks like I may need the funcitons...
IOHIDDeviceGetReport, IOHIDDeviceGetReportWithCallback, IOHIDDeviceSetReport,
and IOHIDDeviceSetReportWithCallback

A good test may be the versions without Callbacks.

How hard would it be to add these functions to MacHIDMBS?

Dean Davis

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 3:33 AM, Christian Schmitz <
supp...@monkeybreadsoftware.de> wrote:

> Am 08.01.2014 um 03:59 schrieb Dean Davis <after...@gmail.com>:
> > How hard is it to work with USB devices?
> Very hard.
> > When I try to connect to is using MacUSBMBS I get an error &hE00002C5
> > Google tells me that the device is already open. But this is impossible.
> I bet one of the system extensions was loaded to handle the device.
> > You you need the device to try and work with it?
> A lot of clients choose to provide me a device for testing if they have
> problems.
> This way I got a lot of little gadgets in my office :-)
> Sincerely
> Christian
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