
I have a console application handling  invoice and licence automatic generation 
using dynapdf.

I have no problem with the invoice, and I can handle bold or normal different 
chunk of text using pdf.SetFont before every chunk of text.

For the licence text I have a bunch of text from a database, that I write using 
WriteFText to span the text across multiple pages.
To insert some basic formatting(I need only some parts in bold), I’m trying to 
use some pseudo-html tags in the text.

so I am trying for a sample text string like this:

“this is normal text<b>this is bold</b>This is normal again”

TimesBoldHandle=pdf.SetFont("Times", pdf.kfsBold, 20.0, true, pdf.kcp1252)
TimesHandle=pdf.SetFont("Times", pdf.kfsItalic, 20.0, true, pdf.kcp1252)

licenceText = ReplaceAll(licenceText,"<b>","\FT["+str(TimesBoldHandle)+"]")
licenceText = ReplaceAll(licenceText,”</b>","\FT["+str(TimesHandle)+"]”)

this is taken from an MBS example, ‘create PDF with text block fonts”

the problem is that in my software, both TimesBoldHandle and TimesBoldHandle 
will contain a value of -67108964, and the font change is not working

What is driving me mad is that if I load the MBS example and run it, 
TimesBoldHandle and TimesHandle will be respectively 0 and 1, and all is 
working as expected!

What I am missing here?

thanks in advance,


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> Il giorno 20 ott 2017, alle ore 23:08, Christian Schmitz 
> <supp...@monkeybreadsoftware.de> ha scritto:
>> It turned out that I had incorrectly assumed that GTK+3 was present in the 
>> Linux machines, so I installed.  This turned out not to be enough.  After I 
>> installed libgtk-3-dev, both your example and my project ran properly.
> It would be good to know list of files in /usr/lib and 
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu before and after to know which libraries you have 
> and what was missing. Maybe I can remove a dependency. 
> Sincerely
> Christian
> -- 
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