
We started with the next version 20.6, later 21.0:

* Added ExecuteScriptSync to WebView2ControlMBS control. 
* Added new AddItem and AddItemAsync methods to KeychainManagerMBS class.
* Added NSBundleExecutableArchitectureARM64 constant for NSBundleMBS and 
NSWorkspaceMBS classes.
* Added plugins for iOS and Apple Silicon.
* Added Style and EffectiveStyle properties to NSTableViewMBS class for macOS 
* Added WindowsReportErrorMBS class.
* Changed daysOfTheWeek in EKRecurrenceRuleMBS class to return array of 
EKRecurrenceDayOfWeekMBS objects.
* Changed Keychain parameter in AddItemAsyncCompletedMBS event in 
KeychainManagerMBS class to variant.
* Changed MarkdownDocumentMBS class to use better default flags to output 
* Changed our Mac controls to not register for frame changed events when 
loading in the IDE.
* Deprecated GrowlMBS, GrowlApplicationBridgeMBS, WindowsGrowlMBS class.
* Deprecated NSUserNotificationActionMBS in favor of UNNotificationActionMBS 
* Deprecated NSUserNotificationCenterMBS in favor of 
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS class.
* Deprecated NSUserNotificationMBS in favor of UNNotificationMBS class.
* Enabled Bluetooth plugin to be used on iOS with CoreBluetooth classes.
* Fixed AllCookies function in NSHTTPCookieMBS to not freeze app.
* Fixed events for MacUSBNotificationMBS class, broken in 20.5.
* Fixed font loading for iOS in DynaPDF.
* Fixed LCMS2MBS.Version function to return .
* Fixed problem with ReadCurrentFile function in UnZipMBS class not setting 
LastError property correctly.
* Fixed version check for macOS Is* functions in SystemInformationMBS module 
for Big Sur.
* Fixed WebView2ControlMBS so that ExecuteScriptCompleted can fire even if you 
don't use AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted event.
* Improved DynaPDFMBS class for iOS with the graphics integration to use Font 
* Optimized HTMLToPlainText function in MimeEmailMBS class to add new line 
after pre element and to skip space runs.
* Updated AVFoundation plugin for iOS.
* Updated to Xcode 12.2.

Download: https://www.monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/


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